Hello World, This will be really a short post today. In our previous post, we have quickly described how to perform a fresh installation of ubuntu 15.10 (beta 1). We have seen that the processContinue reading
Category: XRDP
XRDP – Ubuntu 15.04, systemd and xrdp installation
Hello World, This post will be really a short one. Since Ubuntu 15.04, the upstart component has been replaced by the Systemd solution. This can lead to some small issues (which can be quickly fixed) ifContinue reading
XRDP- Perform a Custom installation on Ubuntu 15.04 (with Systemd)
Hello World, We are back on Ubuntu and xrdp topic. Since Ubuntu 15.04, the operating system has replaced the Upstart components with the Systemd component. Systemd can manage Ubuntu services. This change in theContinue reading
XRDP – Quick fix – Custom XRDP install on Ubuntu 15.04 using systemd
Hello World, Ubuntu 15.04 has been released end of April 2015 and one of the major change in this release was the move from Upstart to systemd solution. Since this change has been introduced, someContinue reading
XRDP – Frequently Asked Questions
Hello World, Today, we will be writing a little bit about XRDP. If you follow us, you know that we have already provided quite useful posts. However, it seems that some of these posts areContinue reading
Tips – xRDP Custom Installation Possible Issues and Solutions
Hello World, Back again on the topic xrdp on Ubuntu 15.04. In one of our previous posts, we have demonstrated how to perform a custom installation of xRDP. Some of my colleagues have alsoContinue reading
XRDP – Customize the XRDP Login Screen (on Ubuntu 15.04)
Hello World, Let’s continue our journey in the xrdp world and Ubuntu 15.04. In the two previous posts, we have seen how to perform a standard xrdp installation and how to perform a custom installationContinue reading
XRDP- Perform a Custom installation on Ubuntu 15.04
IMPORTANT NOTE Since Ubuntu 15.04, Upstart component has been replaced by systemd process. This change can have an impact on how the xrdp functionality is working. If you want to perform a custom installation onContinue reading
XRDP – Installing XRDP on Ubuntu 15.04
Note : The instructions provided hereafter are working and valid for ubuntu 15.04 systems using the systemd component. You can still use this setup guide to perform you xrdp installation Hello World, Ubuntu 15.04Continue reading
Ubuntu 14.10 – KDE as alternative Desktop for XRDP sessions
Hello World, In our previous post about XRDP, we have described how to install the LXQT desktop environment and have it working for XRDP remote connections. We decided to write the post about LXQT becauseContinue reading