Hello World, As you have seen in our previous posts, we have updated the information about how to deploy Ubuntu 24.04 (Desktop & Server) through PXE Technology. We have also provided a really basic overviewContinue reading
Category: Linux
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Ubuntu 24.04 – Howto Autoinstall Ubuntu Server 24.04 through PXE Technology (Basic)
Hello World, In this post, we continue our first test and investigation about unattended installation of Ubuntu 24.04. In our previous post, we have briefly explained how to perform an unattended installation of Ubuntu DesktopContinue reading
Ubuntu 24.04 – Howto Autoinstall Ubuntu Desktop 24.04 through PXE Technology (Basic)
Hello World, In a previous post Ubuntu 24.04 – Deploy Ubuntu 24.04 Desktop through PXE (BIOS & UEFI), we have demonstrated how to perform a network installation of Ubuntu Desktop 24.04. This post has describedContinue reading
Ubuntu 24.04 – Deploy Ubuntu 24.04 Server through PXE (BIOS & UEFI)
Hello World, In our previous post “Ubuntu 24.04 – Deploy Ubuntu 24.04 Desktop through PXE (BIOS & UEFI)”, we have demonstrated how to deploy Ubuntu 24.04 Desktop version through the PXE technology. Compared to UbuntuContinue reading
Ubuntu 24.04 – Deploy Ubuntu 24.04 Desktop through PXE (BIOS & UEFI)
Hello World, Lately, we have received lately a few questions/requests about Ubuntu 24.04 and PXE boot capability. In some previous posts, we have demonstrated how to boot Ubuntu Desktop Edition through the PXE technology. IfContinue reading
Ubuntu – Installing Ubuntu self-hosted Landscape Server (Version 24.04)
Hello World, In a previous post, we have provided some information about Ubuntu Landscape software solution (see Ubuntu – Installing Ubuntu self-hosted Landscape Server). When we wrote this post, the Ubuntu landscape version was set toContinue reading
xRDP – Easy install xRDP on Ubuntu 20.04,22.04,24.04,24.10 (Script Version 1.5.3)
Hello World , In one of our previous post (see xrdp – New release available (0.10.2)), we have advertise the fact that a new release of xrdp has been made available quite recently. Since a newContinue reading
xRDP – Quick test xrdp-installer-1.5.2 running against xrdp release 0.10.2….
Hello World, So, in our previous post (see xrdp – New release available (0.10.2)), we have seen that a new release of xrdp package has been made available. Our famous xrdp-installer script will alwaysContinue reading
xrdp – New release available (0.10.2)
Hello World, Since our xrdp-installer script seems to be quite handy to some people out there, we are following a little bit more closely the releases and security announcements made by the team behind theContinue reading
Ubuntu- Change-Gdm-Background script Version 3.8 – Released
Hello World, Since Ubuntu 24.10 has been released recently, we are also updating our change-gdm-background script. The latest version was set to 3.7 and could be run on Ubuntu 20.04 up to Ubuntu 24.04. We areContinue reading