Hello World, In our previous post “Ubuntu 24.04 – Deploy Ubuntu 24.04 Desktop through PXE (BIOS & UEFI)”, we have demonstrated how to deploy Ubuntu 24.04 Desktop version through the PXE technology. Compared to UbuntuContinue reading
Category: Linux
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Ubuntu 24.04 – Deploy Ubuntu 24.04 Desktop through PXE (BIOS & UEFI)
Hello World, Lately, we have received lately a few questions/requests about Ubuntu 24.04 and PXE boot capability. In some previous posts, we have demonstrated how to boot Ubuntu Desktop Edition through the PXE technology. IfContinue reading
Ubuntu – Installing Ubuntu self-hosted Landscape Server (Version 24.04)
Hello World, In a previous post, we have provided some information about Ubuntu Landscape software solution (see Ubuntu – Installing Ubuntu self-hosted Landscape Server). When we wrote this post, the Ubuntu landscape version was set toContinue reading
xRDP – Easy install xRDP on Ubuntu 20.04,22.04,24.04,24.10 (Script Version 1.5.3)
Hello World , In one of our previous post (see xrdp – New release available (0.10.2)), we have advertise the fact that a new release of xrdp has been made available quite recently. Since a newContinue reading
xRDP – Quick test xrdp-installer-1.5.2 running against xrdp release 0.10.2….
Hello World, So, in our previous post (see xrdp – New release available (0.10.2)), we have seen that a new release of xrdp package has been made available. Our famous xrdp-installer script will alwaysContinue reading
xrdp – New release available (0.10.2)
Hello World, Since our xrdp-installer script seems to be quite handy to some people out there, we are following a little bit more closely the releases and security announcements made by the team behind theContinue reading
Ubuntu- Change-Gdm-Background script Version 3.8 – Released
Hello World, Since Ubuntu 24.10 has been released recently, we are also updating our change-gdm-background script. The latest version was set to 3.7 and could be run on Ubuntu 20.04 up to Ubuntu 24.04. We areContinue reading
Ubuntu – How to Setup Certificate Authority (CA) on Ubuntu
Hello World, In some recent projects/activities, we have been busy with certificates and PKI (Public Key infrastructure). We have been working mainly with Windows Certificate services and certificate templates. We were wondering how easy (orContinue reading
XRDP – Configuring TLS connection for Remote Desktop Protocol
Hello World, In our previous post (xRDP – Easy install xRDP on Ubuntu 20.04,22.04,23.XX,24.04 (Script Version 1.5.1), we have been working a little bit our our famous xrdp-installer script. Since the numerous changes in UbuntuContinue reading
xRDP – Easy install xRDP on Ubuntu 20.04,22.04,24.04,24.10 (Script Version 1.5.2)
The script hereafter is outdated and has been replaced by a newer version. Please Check the Download page for latest version. Hello World , It has been some time since our latest posts. WeContinue reading