Hello World, In the previous post, we have performed a simple/standard installation of xRDP using the Ubuntu repository package through our Std-install-xrdp script (version 0.2). The script streamline the installation and configuration of xrdp on topContinue reading
Category: XRDP
xRDP – How to Fix the Infamous system crash popups in Ubuntu 18.04 (and previous versions)
Hello World, Today’s post is about a recurring issue that occurs when using xRDP software solution on Ubuntu systems. The system crash popup that appears each time you login into your remote session afterContinue reading
xRDP – The Infamous “Authentication Required to Create Managed Color Device” Explained
Hello World, Since Ubuntu 18.04 LTS has been made available, we have been quite busy testing and validating the new features and functionalities of this release. Currently, the focus is on xRDP software solution and how toContinue reading
Ubuntu 18.04 – Install xRDP the easy way (Scripted Installation)
The script hereafter is outdated and has been replaced by a newer version. Please Check the Download page for latest version. Hello World, This is it ! The day has just arrived. Ubuntu 18.04Continue reading
XRDP – Microsoft to add XRDP software in Hyper-V Linux Virtual machines….
Hello World , As you know, we have been writing and using xRDP for a long time now. I still remember the first time I installed (or tried to install) xRDP package on a LinuxContinue reading
XRDP- HowTo Custom install on Ubuntu 16.04.x with Unity Interface (install-xrdp-1.9.2.sh)
The script hereafter is outdated and has been replaced by a newer version. Please Check the Download page for latest version. Hello World, Ubuntu 18.04 is on its way and we are alreadyContinue reading
xRDP – How To Remove it based on your install option
Hello World, Today’s post is again about xRDP software solution. xRDP is a Linux based software solution that provide remote desktop services capabilities. After installing the xRDP software layer on a Linux based computer, aContinue reading
xRDP – Custom Installation with CheckInstall Method on Ubuntu 17.10
Hello World, So far, we have seen a different methods on how to install easily xRDP on your system. You have the option to use the standard xrdp package available in the Ubuntu repository (seeContinue reading
xRDP – Fixing Look n’ Feel Settings in Ubuntu 17.10
Hello World, The last three posts have been focusing on installing xRDP on Ubuntu 17.10 and Gnome Desktop. In part I, a step by step instruction guide has been provided in order to perform aContinue reading
xRDP – How to perform a custom installation on Ubuntu 17.10 – Scripted Install
The script hereafter is outdated and has been replaced by a newer version. Please Check the Download page for latest version. Hello World, In this post, we will continue to investigate xRDP installationContinue reading