Hello World, If you are following us since a long time, you probably know that when it comes to perform remote desktop connections to an Ubuntu machine, we tend to use XRDP software solution. AContinue reading
Category: XRDP
XRDP- How to Start Unity Automatically in Ubuntu 17.04
Hello world, Today, we are back with a short post about XRDP and Unity Desktop in Ubuntu 17.04. Installing xrdp in Ubuntu 17.04 is really easy and there is no major configuration changes that’s needed inContinue reading
XRDP – Custom Install on Ubuntu 16.04.2 to Access Unity Desktop
The script hereafter is outdated and has been replaced by a newer version. Please Check the Download page for latest version. Hello World, Today’s post is about xRDP, Unity and Ubunt 16.04. Continue reading
XRDP – How to install XRDP on Ubuntu 17.04 – Easy Way
Hello World, As you probably know, Canonical is discontinuing Unity Desktop interface (see this post) and as announced recently it seems that Ubuntu 17.10 would ship with Gnome desktop already. This means that’s probably theContinue reading
xRDP – How to Install on Ubuntu Mate 16.10
Hello World, This is the end of the road for this series of posts related to xRDP and Ubuntu Editions. So far, we have been installing xRDP on the following Ubuntu Editions : Linux MintContinue reading
xRDP – How to Install on Ubuntu Gnome 16.10
Hello World, In this post series, we are investigating how to install xRDP on different Ubuntu editions. We are almost at the end of the road. So far we have looked at the followingContinue reading
xRDP – How to Install on Lubuntu 16.10
Hello World, We are still looking into the new xRDP package available on the Ubuntu repository and the installation and configuration of this package on different Ubuntu flavors. So far, we have tackled theContinue reading
xRDP – How to Install on Xubuntu 16.10
Hello World, We are proceeding with our journey where we install xRDP latest package available on top of Ubuntu flavors. The installation process is really quite similar across the different ubuntu flavors or distributionContinue reading
xRDP – How to Install on Kubuntu 16.10
Hello World, Today, we continue our journey through the Ubuntu flavors and the most useful tool to perform remote desktop sessions to Ubuntu machines i.e. xRDP. One of the frequent request we receive is how toContinue reading
xRDP – How to Install on Ubuntu Remix 16.10
Hello World, Today again, we are speaking about xRDP and a new Ubuntu Flavors that will become official with the release of Ubuntu 17.04. If you haven’t heard, there is indeed a new Ubuntu flavorsContinue reading