Hello World, Today, again, we will be speaking about RDS 2012 R2 technology. We will focus a little bit on the RDWeb Access server. Some users were complaining (again) that their remotapp sessions were disconnectedContinue reading
Tag: RDS 2012 R2
RDS 2012 R2 – Remoteapp Locked out every 10 minutes…
Hello World, Today, we will be speaking about Remote Desktop Services (RDS) technology. If you follow us, you know now that we are quite busy with a project where RDS technology is used to centralizeContinue reading
RDS 2012 R2 – Error when launching apps from RemoteApp – RemoteApp Disconnected
Hello World, We are still working on our nice and lovely RDS and RemoteApp infrastructure project. This is a great product and we were able to develop an interesting concept for our customers using suchContinue reading
RDS 2012 R2 – DMZ and failing connections
Hello World, Back again on the RDS 2012 R2 topic. With all the info, I’m publishing lately about this topic you should be fed up or you should be really happy to have us sharingContinue reading
RDS 2012 R2 – DefaultTSGateway IIS Value
Hello World, Today again, we will speak a little bit about RDS and RemoteApp technology. If you are a regular reader of this blog, you might know that we have been recently working on aContinue reading
RDS 2012 R2 – Access is denied – Issue 4
Hello World, In the previous posts, we have described some small issues that a user (or an administrator) might encounter while working with a remoteapp infrastructure. So far, we have seen that a group policyContinue reading
RDS – Licensing Server – Part X
Hello World, I know it has been some time since I didn’t write any new posts but I had to work (and still working) on a quite heavy project which is taking away all myContinue reading
RDS – Remote Desktop Gateway – Part IX
Hello World, In this post, we continue our journey through the new RDS (Remote Desktop services) solution provided by Microsoft. You might be interested in reading the previous posts in order to have the necessaryContinue reading