Hello World,
This would be a rather quick post……:-)
It’s has been some time that no posts about RDS (Remote Desktop Services) has been published. Some customers are really relying heavily on the RDS infrastructure as it provide a way to centralize applications and infrastructure and provide a private basic cloud based solution. So, in this post, we will simply check that all the necessary components are back and available in the Windows 2019 Server Build 17650 in order to build a pure Windows 2019 RDS infrastructure.
RD Host Session is Back
In our previous post, where a basic installation of the RDS 2019 infrastructure was performed, a major blocking factor popped up. The Remote Desktop Host Session role was missing from the installation file.
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Some people around internet were speculating that the RD host session role would have been moved to…… Windows 10 operating system. We were not really convinced by this theory. It turned out that if the RD host session role was missing it was because of a bug which made the inclusion of this component impossible in the Windows 2019 Edition Build Number 17632. So, we have downloaded the latest version of the Windows 2019 Preview (correct edition and correct build number) and tried to perform a basic installation. The outcome was successful which means that indeed the missing RDS role is back into the Windows 2019 Server edition. To double-check this, we have opened the add/remove feature page and we have checked that indeed the RDS host session role is indeed back and available for installation. This is a great news….
Click on Picture for Better Resolution
Final Notes
The Windows 2019 RDS feature seems to be based on the latest innovations/features/concept introduced in Windows 2016 Server edition. The installation process has not changed drastically. The RDS roles, the architecture and the different installation options (RDS/VDI/RemoteApps) remains the same. We have not been looking into the Licensing cost for this new version but we think that the price would go up again with Windows 2019 server edition. As a test, we have also tried to install the HTML5 RDP client on RDS 2019 and obviously this option is still available….
In the future, we hope to have more time to write few articles about RDS 2019…..
This is it for today
Till next time
See ya