Hello World, I’m very busy lately ! We are working on multiple projects and we need to prepare the arrival of the new releases provided by Microsoft. Do not be surprised if you will be floodedContinue reading
Proxmox VE 2.x – Install FreeNas as a KVM virtual machine
Hello World, Today, I’ll write about freenas solution and show you how to install it on your proxmox ve infrastructure. It has been a long time I’vn’t been working with Freenas and I have toContinue reading
Deploy OS using MDT 2012 beta 2 – Part V Peform a basic deployment
Hello World, It has been some time since I didn’t blog about MDT 2012. By the way, you should be aware that the final version of MDT 2012 Update 1 is available forContinue reading
ADK (automated Deployment Kit)
Hello World, With the release of Windows 8/Windows 2012, Microsoft has released a “new” tool called Windows ADK (Assement and Deployment Kit). This tool aims to replace the previoulsy well know WAIK (Windows Automated Installation Kit).Continue reading
Powershell Script to update migration table
Hello World, I’m back with Powershell scripting and Migration table. If you remember, in some previous posts, we have demonstrated how to generate a migration table using powershell. In this post, we have seen howContinue reading
Using Powershell to generate Group Policies migration table (from GPO backup)
Hello world, In this post, I will provide a little extra information about the Powershell script used to generate Migration table. If you remember, we have discussed in this previous post how to generate migrationContinue reading
Using Powershell to generate Group Policies migration table
Hello World, A few months ago, we explained how to migrate GPOs between domains. If you remember, when you are performing a migration between domains and you want to migrate Group policies between them, youContinue reading
Proxmox VE 2.1 – Adding Distributed Storage Technologies
Hello World, Introduction This would be a really short post ! On July 25 , 2012, the PROXMOX VE team has released a new kernel of their product. This release is mainly a maintenance release. However,Continue reading
Windows 2012 Server-How to install .NET 3.5
Hello World, This would be a short post. In Windows 2012 Server, when you try to install .net framework 3.5 from the Server Manager console (and you do not have internet connection), the installation willContinue reading
Installing Sharepoint 2013 Preview on Windows 2012 server
Hello World, Lately, I’m writing a lot about Microsoft technologies. This is because the company has been releasing the latest version of their softwares. Windows 8 and Windows 2012 are out (RTM) and general availabilityContinue reading