April 2023 UpdateThe bug/problem described in this post has been fixed… The released version of Ubuntu 23.04 does not seems to be affected by this issue anymore |
Hello World,
In this post, we will quickly share our experience with the next version of Ubuntu (i.e. Ubuntu 23.04) that should be released in less than a month now. We do not know if we are the only ones but we have encountered issues in deploying Ubuntu 23.04 recently. The previous daily based image worked as expected. However, the last few days, the downloaded daily build seems not to work. We are not able to install and deploy Ubuntu 23.04
Let’s quickly dig into the issue…
Since we need to work on our famous xrdp-installer script in order to make it running on top of Ubuntu 23.04, we were planning to deploy the daily build image of Ubuntu 23.04 and start updating the script. We are using Hyper-v infrastructure at the moment (because we are busy with a lot of Microsoft Upgrade projects lately) and we have created a really basic/standard Virtual machine. With the latest Daily build image, we have seen some changes/improvements in the new flutter installer. As an example, the join Active directory option is back within the installer. So, the new installer is bringing some refreshing user experience and gives really a nice touch to Ubuntu installation experience.
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We went through the Installation wizard until the page where you need to provide user account and password information. At this stage, you would expect that everything would be running smoothly and that your installation will proceed accordingly. In our case, this was not happening. The first behavior we have noticed is that immediately after finishing the Wizard, we got an immediate Installation failed message followed by a system crash popup notification.
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Looking into the error message, we have noticed some errors and more specifically the message Install Failed crashed with CalledProcessor Error.
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The second behavior is even stranger. So, when you reach the Setup your account page within the Wizard and if you do not do anything, you do not press the next button, the wizard will move on its own to the slide show part of the installer still showing the Installation failed message….
Initially, we were thinking that we didn’t perform the correct configuration at the Virtual machine level but we have tried on multiple machines/Hypervisor and we still end up with the same error. It also seems that the new installer does not perform the proper disk partitioning. When inside the live session, we have noticed that no partition were created during the Installation Wizard.
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At this stage, the only option we have is to use an older version of the Ubuntu 23.04 ISO, perform the install and updated through the operating system in order to get the latest version up and running. We have been looking for similar reports and we didn’t find that many. So, we are wondering are we the only one facing this issue or other people have encountered it too ?
Final Notes
This is it for this post !
This is a quite short post but if you are struggling in performing a fresh installation of Ubuntu 23.04, it might not be your fault but could be a problem within the latest daily build image. We assume that this is a problem with the new installer script that needs to be fixed. The strange thing here is that we have not seen many people reporting the issue… We fully understand that when using a pre-release or daily build images, issues can occur. This is fine. However, since Ubuntu 23.04 will be release really soon, it’s really strange that not a lot of complaints have been made so far. We are hoping that Ubuntu is fully aware of the problem and that they are working on a fix. The Ubuntu 23.04 is really next to the corner and will be released in April 2023… and it would be nice we could all enjoy the new Installer.
Till next time
See ya
You are not the only one, I encounter the same error. I’m trying to install inside a Hyper-V on Windows 11.
Thank you for confirming… I thought I was going crazy or that I was not able to perform a simple installation 🙂
Till next time
See ya
not working ubuntu lunar lobster23.04 version in internet
Thank you for visiting our blog and providing feedback…. We might have some goods news for you… We have submitted a bug report and it seems that a fix has been added into the daily build image this morning… We have tested an installation today around 11.00 AM (europe Time) and the installation completed successfully.
Please grab you copy and perform the test as well so we can report back the good news
Till next time
See ya
The daily build installs now 👍
Je n’arrive pas à installer la version bêta sur un ancien PC HP, la fenêtre d’installation disparaît après la configuration du compte utilisateur, ensuite je ne sais pas ce qui se passe. Au boutd’un temps long où la clé USB n’est pas sollicitée je fais un redémarrage mais le processus s’interrompt et j’ai le prompt console.
Hello Guy,
Oui, LA version Ubuntu 23.04 a beaucoup de problème. Installation impossible sur une machine virtuelle. Il y a eu un fix mais maintenant, pas moyen d’acceder à la GUI. On a deja envoyé des bug report… La sortie officielle est dans moins de 5 jours et nous pensons que le produit n’est pas prets.. on verra ce que fait Ubuntu/Canonical
A p lus
It’s July 2023 still it doesn’t install on my machine.
Tried: Safe Mode, with and without Home/Swap yet no success.
@Reza Taba,
Thank you for visiting our blog and providing some feedback. Yes, there seems to still be a problem with Ubuntu 23.04. However, there is a workaround that you can use to gain access to your Ubuntu Desktop. Please check this post and tell us if this is working for you (see post : Ubuntu- Ubuntu 23.04 on Hyper-V – GUI Freezing – Possible Workaround
Till next time
See ya
You’re not alone buddy, same thing has happed to me trying a fresh installation.
thank you for visiting our blog and providing feedback. Have you tried the latest ubuntu 23.04 image ? We have tried again recently. we have downloaded the latest version of the ISO from Ubuntu web site and this time, the installation went through normally. We have also tested Ubuntu 23.10 and the bug/problem is not there anymore. So, maybe try latest version of Ubuntu 23.04 or go directly on Ubuntu 23.10 which will be released on October12
Till next time
See ya