Hello World; As you can imagine, we are quite busy lately with a lot of projects coming along the road. I will not complaint because not so long ago I was about to have noContinue reading
News,Previews & what’s Next ?
Hello World, It has been a little while since my last posts about Remote Desktop Service Technology. Because I’m busy with a lot of RDS projects, I was able to publish a lot of usefulContinue reading
RDS 2012 R2 – Error when launching apps from RemoteApp – RemoteApp Disconnected
Hello World, We are still working on our nice and lovely RDS and RemoteApp infrastructure project. This is a great product and we were able to develop an interesting concept for our customers using suchContinue reading
RDS 2012 R2 – DMZ and failing connections
Hello World, Back again on the RDS 2012 R2 topic. With all the info, I’m publishing lately about this topic you should be fed up or you should be really happy to have us sharingContinue reading
RDS 2012 R2 – DefaultTSGateway IIS Value
Hello World, Today again, we will speak a little bit about RDS and RemoteApp technology. If you are a regular reader of this blog, you might know that we have been recently working on aContinue reading
RDS 2012 R2 – Access is denied – Issue 4
Hello World, In the previous posts, we have described some small issues that a user (or an administrator) might encounter while working with a remoteapp infrastructure. So far, we have seen that a group policyContinue reading
RDS 2012 R2 – Access is Denied While connecting to remoteApp- Issue 3
Hello World, In this post, I will continue to summarize the issues our user community has been facing while using our wonderful, on-the-edge remoteapp infrastructure. This post will be quite short as well. So, let’sContinue reading
Ubuntu 15.04 – Configure your system to have x11vnc running at startup
Hello World, If you are following us, you probably remember that we wrote already a post about this topic (see Ubuntu 14.10 – Configure your sytem to have x11vnc running at startup). Since Ubuntu 15.04 isContinue reading
XRDP – Ubuntu 15.04, systemd and xrdp installation
Hello World, This post will be really a short one. Since Ubuntu 15.04, the upstart component has been replaced by the Systemd solution. This can lead to some small issues (which can be quickly fixed) ifContinue reading